McCutchen Obituary
The obituary from today's (May 29, 2007) State Newspaper has been uploaded to KHS64 More. Click on that link (on the side of the page), then click on the image of the newspaper column to enlarge it for reading.
News, pictures, announcements, remembrances, and humorous stories by members of the Kingstree (South Carolina) High School Class of 1964.
The obituary from today's (May 29, 2007) State Newspaper has been uploaded to KHS64 More. Click on that link (on the side of the page), then click on the image of the newspaper column to enlarge it for reading.
James Hugh "Hubie" McCutchen and his family were at Garden City Beach when apparently Hubie suffered a stroke. He died later that day in the hospital in Wilmington, North Carolina.